At the Interface of Analogue and Digital Records Management.
The REISSWOLF Archiving Software – RWAS.
Thanks to the RWAS electronic archive system, our customers are able to access their digitally recorded physical files at any time and manage their data independently. It involves features such as quick researching, direct upload of scanned files, multiple users with individual access limitations, and an easy-to-use online interface.
Besides a large increase in efficiency, RWAS also aids data security. Every activity and every change in the archive is recorded automatically and is retraceable at all times. Plus, all information is stored on high-security servers located in Germany.
RWAS electronic archive system features in brief:
- Exclusive REISSWOLF development
- Specialized in physical records management
- Easy-to-use interface for customers
- Permanent digital access and control for customers
- Point-and-click request of records
- Permanent overview of all records retention periods
- Warehouse and order management
- Real-time database
- Flexible archive indexing
- Statistics
- Online records capturing with spine label printing
- Mirrored server, redundant database, thus high availability
- External data backup on a daily basis
- Servers located in Germany
- Certified by ULD Schlewsig-Holstein, German independent center for data protection
RWAS Case Study
Thanks to our REISSWOLF, one of our customers managed to relocate and organize their large archive of around 400,000 boxes from locations in 69 different cities. Archive relocation took approximately 12 months. During this time, we optimized the access to documents by up to 98% through manual searches and REISSWOLF RWAS software files registration.
The project consisted of three stages:
1. All boxes were labeled and registered in the REISSWOLF archiving software at the box/folder level to ensure constant, fast, and reliable access to documents.
2. Part of the active archive (all 10-year contracts) was scanned, namely 2% of all archived documents. Furthermore, the expiry of each file or contract was documented in our archiving software in accordance with legal requirements. After each document was scanned, 4–5 of its fields were indexed to allow for easy information retrieval.
3. All archiving boxes older than 10 years were checked and inventories were made by REISSWOLF employees. The customer decided which part of the archive to destroy and which to keep for a further period.
After the review of the project, the annual budget has clearly shown that the decision to externalize physical archiving is saving the company direct and indirect monthly costs. Furthermore, the company has reached the highest possible status and is now risk-free; the archive is properly managed by a professional company and arranged according to the internal structure and international legislation.
Documents can be found and consulted electronically within minutes. All authorized users can work on the software at the same time from any location and can physically order documents or consult them in electronic format. Paper consumption has also been reduced.
With a document management market leader as their provider, the customer is finally able to focus on their core business and use their resources to become one of the best companies in their sector.